Erectile Dysfunction

The “Quality of Life” Items Your Doctor Often Forgets

November 30, 2019  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Erectile Dysfunction  Incontinence  Kidney Cancer  Kidney Health  Kidney Stones  Men's Health  Prostate Cancer  Vasectomy  

During my medical school and training, I, along with other medical professionals were taught how to properly analyze, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of disease processes. While learning “how to doctor,” patient encounters were typically rote and followed a fairly strict protocol and ritual: obtain a history, perform a physical exam, provide an assessment […]

Testosterone and Lifespan

November 21, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

Looking for “Testosterone Specialist Near Me”? in Texas? You’ve Found Us! Testosterone plays a role in many areas of a male’s life. Most people consider it to be solely responsible for sexual performance and enhancing mood, but it also plays a vital role in promoting life longevity… to a point. Testosterone promotes muscle building which […]

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Austin

October 25, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

Testosterone levels in men tend to slowly decline with age. Levels typically decrease by 1-2% each year beginning at the age of 40. Low t symptoms can include difficulties with erections, low libido, fatigue, mood changes, drops in energy in the afternoons, sleeping problems or difficulty maintaining muscle mass. What a lot of people don’t […]

Why Are Men Shocking Their Penises

October 11, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  

Shockwave Therapy for ED Affecting approximately 30 million men in the U.S., erectile dysfunction (ED) is common for men of all ages. Erectile dysfunction symptoms are two-fold. It includes difficulty achieving an erection and/or difficulty maintaining an erection. Oftentimes, the cause of ED is due to poor blood flow to the penis caused by a […]

The Hard Truth: 5 Misleading Myths About ED

August 23, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

The Hard Truth It’s easy to be swooned by the several myths about erectile dysfunction that surface in bars and fantasy draft chat rooms. But given the sensitivity of the topic, men tend to lose their heads (the one on your shoulders). So before you start believing that things like shockwave therapy and Gainswave electrocute […]

Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

June 8, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical term that describes the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection adequate for sexual function. ED has many causes, but one of the more common is psychological erectile dysfunction. This condition, sometimes called mental impotence, is one of the most common sexual issues for men […]

Sex Going Static? Jump Start Your Junk

May 3, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  The/Age  

Pulsewave – Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction I know you’re immediately picturing some crazy torture method of hooking up jumper cables to the family jewels, but trust me, this is nothing like that. You’ve been watching too many action movies. First, a brief about what erectile dysfunction is. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common for […]

You’re Spending Too Much Money On ED Meds

May 1, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  The/Age  

A Growing Problem Have you ever seen those commercials with the men with white hair sitting on the edge of the bed with their head hung low? Their wife sitting next to them, lovingly, but unsatisfied. You probably recognize these commercials as advertising for erectile dysfunction treatment options. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical term […]

Low Intensity PulseWave Therapy for ED Treatment

January 17, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  The/Age  

Pulse-Wave has arrived Low-Intensity Pulse-Wave therapy has been used for years in the orthopedic world to effectively treat joint disorders. It has been shown to break down scar tissue, induce growth factors and increase blood flow.  Subsequently, numerous European studies have shown PulseWave therapy to be highly effective in the treatment of mild to moderate […]

Doc Talk: Vasectomy or IUD – What’s Right for Your Family?

September 17, 2018  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

When debating between an IUD or a vasectomy you should first ask, “am I done having kids?” If the answer is yes, a vasectomy may be the best choice for your family.

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