Happy June, Guys!
It’s Men’s Health Month!
The American Urological Association and the Urology Care Foundation has challenged men to commit to making healthy choices that are not only great for overall health, but especially men’s urologic health.
Austin Urology Institute is accepting the challenge. Join us!
This month, there are four weekly “Get Up and Go” challenges to improve your urologic health.
Each week, we will post a blog with your weekly challenge. Here’s your challenge for week three..
Get Up and Go Challenge – Week 3: Get up and Get Moving
Your challenge this week is to commit to daily walking.
It’s no secret that consistent exercise helps to improve health and prevent chronic health conditions. Studies note that regular physical exercise can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other health conditions that contribute to low testosterone, erectile dysfunction and urinary problems.
One Harvard Study demonstrated that just 30 minutes of walking a day was linked to a 41% decrease in risk of erectile dysfunction. Don’t have 30 minutes? Split it into three 10-minute walks a day.
Virtual Visits Available
We offer both in-clinic and remote telemedicine consultations worldwide.
Our top-rated practitioners are available for remote telemedicine consultations across the state of Texas.