Saving Your Sperm at a Sperm Bank

December 8, 2015

If you’re suffering from a urologic issue that may affect your body’s production of sperm, sperm banking can be done to preserve or freeze sperm that may later be used if you are planning to have a child in the future. This is referred to as cryopreservation. Fairfax Cryo Bank in Austin, TX provides this service.

Sperm banking can be done prior to vasectomy and also prior to treatment for cancer.

With testicular cancer, patients typically have the affected testicle removed. There are times when radiation is used as well. Treatments can lead to decreased or damaged sperm. Sperm banking may be done before or after surgery since the opposite testicle will continue to produce sperm. It is advised to do prior to radiation though.

Prostate cancer is typically diagnosed in men ages 50-70. During a prostatectomy, the prostate is removed along with the vas deferens and seminal vesicles which are all necessary for reproduction. If a younger patient is diagnosed with prostate cancer, and is planning to have his prostate removed, cryopreservation may be done.