Expert Insights

Is Your Job Giving You Bladder Cancer?

May 9, 2019  |  Bladder  

Work is stressful enough. Then add on top of it the additional concern that it may be making you sick. Not sick of your job, but actually physically sick. For example, would you be surprised if where you work and the materials you came into contact with could be causing bladder cancer? The fact of […]

Cancer Treating Robot Technology Has Arrived in Austin

May 7, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

The Da Vinci Single Port System Da Vinci is the name of the series of robotic machines from Intuitive that are able to assist and perform in surgical tasks. Da Vinci machines have been integral in advancing the field of surgery. The Intuitive company dedicates itself to precision, consistency, and progress-exactly what you need in […]

Sex Going Static? Jump Start Your Junk

May 3, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  The/Age  

Pulsewave – Shock Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction I know you’re immediately picturing some crazy torture method of hooking up jumper cables to the family jewels, but trust me, this is nothing like that. You’ve been watching too many action movies. First, a brief about what erectile dysfunction is. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common for […]

You’re Spending Too Much Money On ED Meds

May 1, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  The/Age  

A Growing Problem Have you ever seen those commercials with the men with white hair sitting on the edge of the bed with their head hung low? Their wife sitting next to them, lovingly, but unsatisfied. You probably recognize these commercials as advertising for erectile dysfunction treatment options. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical term […]

Don’t Stress About Prostatectomies Until Reading This

April 25, 2019  |  Enlarged Prostate  Prostate Cancer  Robotic Surgery  

Are You At Risk? At some point in his lifetime, approximately one out of nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, a disease that typically develops in older men, with about six out of ten cases of prostate cancer occurring in men aged 65 or older. A radical prostatectomy is a surgical treatment option […]

What Your Doctor Needs To Know To Treat Your Low T

April 24, 2019  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  The/Age  

Testosterone It’s a hot topic these days. There are multiple testosterone replacement therapy providers jumping on board to offer treatment. Oftentimes, it’s a fix that isn’t necessarily appropriate in the long term. Low testosterone and its symptoms can be multifaceted. That’s why you need your doctor to be an expert in men’s health, not just […]

Are My ED Pills Duds?

April 18, 2019  |  Men's Health  The/Age  

Getting Blocked Below the Belt Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects over 30 million men in the U.S. and remains one of the most common reasons men seek out a urologist. Low testosterone is becoming more of an issue and as a result, men are increasingly visiting testosterone clinics looking for solutions. ED rates have increased during […]

You Can’t Stop Time, But You Can Stop Low-T

April 16, 2019  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  The/Age  

The world expects a lot from you as a man There are ties to be tied, fence posts to mount, kids to piggyback—you’re always going to have your hands full. And whether they are covered in engine grease or full of paperwork, there’s one thing that can’t be stopped: time. Fatigue can catch up as […]

Austin Urology Institute Offering Telemedicine Services

April 14, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

In order to better serve our patients from all over the world, Austin Urology Institute has partnered with Chiron Health to offer leading-edge telemedicine services. Telemedicine allows patients to visit with Dr. Shaw and the Austin Urology Institute team remotely, using a secure, HIPAA-compliant video chat. While telemedicine can’t totally replace in-person visits, it can be […]

The Dysfunction Diet: Foods Are a Factor of ED

April 11, 2019  |  Diet & Nutrition  The/Age  Uncategorized  

Foods and Erectile Dysfunction: You Are What You Eat Doctor’s might do it all, but you can do more. There are things you can do to improve and help prevent erectile dysfunction outside of the doctor’s office. You might not want to hear it—but it’s your diet. Approximately 30 million men in the U.S. (of […]

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