Can I Stop My Prostate From Growing?

July 19, 2021

More than 42 million men in the United States alone have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). If left untreated, not only does it impact quality of life with symptoms such as frequent daytime urination, getting up at night frequently to urinate, a weak or slow stream, the feeling of not emptying the bladder completely, an urgent need to urinate, dribbling after urination to urinate or difficulty starting a urinary stream.

This is caused by an enlarged/obstructed prostate – from normal benign growth that occurs in most men as they age.

The prostate is a small gland located below the neck of the bladder and the urethra runs through the center of the prostate from the bladder and through the penis where urine flows out.

As the prostate grows and enlarges (BPH) it begins to press on and obstruct the urethra, causing disruptive urinary symptoms which might also lead to bladder damage if left untreated for too long.

So, can men stop prostate from growing to prevent BPH?

Short answer: No.

Prostate tissue grows benignly as men age at different rates. Not all men will experience urinary symptoms caused by prostate growth, but most will.

There are no foods, supplements or prescription medications that are proven to “slow the growth or prevent the growth” of your prostate. Managing BPH before trying medications or surgical options may help improve symptoms temporarily. This includes lifestyle change and modifications such as:

-Maintaining a healthy weight

-Healthy diet and exercise

-Avoid or limit medications for allergies such as decongestants and antihistamines 

-Limit how much spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol you have in your diet

-Urinate when the first urge arises

-Limit water or fluid intake 2-3 hours before bedtime

If you have questions about BPH and your urinary symptoms, contact Austin Urology Institute to schedule an appointment with a provider. Providers can discuss medical and surgical treatment options. Our nutritionist can also discuss dietary changes that may help prevent worsening BPH.