Diet & Nutrition

Why would an Austin urologist offer wellness and nutritional services? (An interview with the Director of Nutrition)

April 14, 2021  |  Austin Urology  Bladder  Diet & Nutrition  Erectile Dysfunction  Incontinence  Kidney Cancer  Kidney Health  Kidney Stones  Low Testosterone  Make/Well  Men's Health  Nutrition  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  UTIs  Women's Health  

Dr. Shaw and his team at Austin Urology Institute take an integrative approach to urology by combining different aspects of care, including medication, hormone therapy, innovative new tools, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle factors. Expanding from our core Austin urology services makes treating those urological conditions more effective. Here is a Q&A with the Director of […]

Does being Overweight Decrease Testosterone? 

April 12, 2021  |  Austin Urology  Diet & Nutrition  Erectile Dysfunction  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  Nutrition  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

Let’s talk testosterone… When it comes to Men’s Wellness, testosterone is a key player. It is responsible for regulating men’s muscle mass and strength, bone mass, fat distribution, production of red blood cells, sex drive (libido), and sperm production. Your highest increase in testosterone occurs between puberty and early adulthood, remains stable for a while, […]

What’s the Big Deal About Water? Part II

April 6, 2021  |  Bladder  Diet & Nutrition  Men's Health  Nutrition  Women's Health  

Did you miss “What’s the Big Deal About Water? Part I?” If so, scroll on back and start there for some interesting information and fun facts before you dive into Part II! It is essential for the body to get the recommended amount of water each day. Those who are more sedentary should drink a […]

What’s the Big Deal About Water? Part I

April 5, 2021  |  Bladder  Diet & Nutrition  Men's Health  Women's Health  

Water is essential for the healthy functioning of the body. Almost all of the body’s major systems depend on water to operate and without it they would break down. Water makes up 60% of the body’s total weight and 90% of the brain’s weight. It is extremely important to drink enough water to support your […]

High Cholesterol and ED

March 22, 2021  |  Austin Urology  Diet & Nutrition  Erectile Dysfunction  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  Nutrition  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  Uncategorized  

  High Cholesterol and ED: What’s the Connection? High cholesterol and ED are two health conditions that commonly co-exist. Having high cholesterol can hinder sexual performance and decrease libido, and ED is commonly the earliest noted symptom of high cholesterol in men. How are they connected? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance in the bloodstream. […]

Inflammation, Insulin, and Prostate Cancer

March 7, 2021  |  Diet & Nutrition  Prostate Cancer  The/Age  

Two recent studies conducted from separate teams at both Harvard University and the University of Texas Cancer Center show a similar link between diet and prostate cancer. What diets specifically? Dr. Benjamin Fu, leading the Harvard team, focused on hyperinsulinemic and inflammatory diets. Dr. Justin Gregg and the University of Texas team had findings on […]

The Dysfunction Diet: Foods Are a Factor of ED

April 11, 2019  |  Diet & Nutrition  The/Age  Uncategorized  

Foods and Erectile Dysfunction: You Are What You Eat Doctor’s might do it all, but you can do more. There are things you can do to improve and help prevent erectile dysfunction outside of the doctor’s office. You might not want to hear it—but it’s your diet. Approximately 30 million men in the U.S. (of […]

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