September 11, 2018 | Erectile Dysfunction
How does that little blue pill for erectile dysfunction really work and what can it do for you? If you’re being held back by ED, check out AUI’s new Men’s wellness Institute and face your health head-on.
June 18, 2018 | Erectile Dysfunction Low Testosterone Men's Health Vasectomy Women's Health
Did you know even a single degree in temperature difference can negatively impact sperm count? Turn to the family planning expert Dr. Shaw, to start focusing on life goals. Infertility in Women If you have been trying for baby and either cannot get or stay pregnant after trying for at least a year, you may […]
December 14, 2017 | Erectile Dysfunction Low Testosterone
America may self-destruct in the near future, and surprisingly it may have more to do with male infertility than the current political climate. After years of steady decline, the number of women giving birth in the U.S. has reached an all-time low this year. This decline isn’t all bad news, birth rates have decreased amongst […]
July 21, 2014 | Erectile Dysfunction
While erectile dysfunction can affect 50% of men over the age of 40, men of any age or background can experience difficulty with erections. Most common risk factors include: Age over 50 Obesity Sleep apnea Diabetes High blood pressure High cholesterol Smoking Cardiovascular disease Low testosterone Anxiety Please call to schedule an appointment for preventative/follow-up […]
June 18, 2014 | Erectile Dysfunction
You are over the age of 40 and having a hard time getting an erection, it’s ok. This is common for 50% of men over 40. If you are under 40, treatment works the same way. There are different reasons behind why this happens. Erectile dysfunction can occur due to stress, anxiety, low testosterone, and […]
June 5, 2014 | Erectile Dysfunction
Treatment varies for erectile dysfunction. Oral ED medications are most common for first line treatment. If patient wants to move to a tablet form it can vary from a low dosage of 5mg and up to 20mg depending upon efficacy and tolerability. Tablet is taken daily 20-30 minutes before intercourse. Most common dosage is 10mg. […]
May 20, 2014 | Erectile Dysfunction
While erectile dysfunction can affect men of any age, especially psychological ED that is not necessarily tied to a physical condition, it is more common in men over the age of 40. This can be due to a variety of factors including decreased testosterone and/or medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, […]
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