February 18, 2019 | Kidney Health Kidney Stones
Types of Kidney Stones There are a few things all Kidney stones have in common: for one, all are caused by high levels of minerals and salts in the urine. But they also come in many different forms – from “silent” and symptomless to extremely painful, from small to large, from common to rare. Here […]
July 21, 2016 | Kidney Stones
If you’ve ever experienced a kidney stone, it’s probably not something you want to repeat. Some people say it’s the pain equivalent of birthing a child. We’ve had some patients say they would rather give birth again. However, kidney stone problems don’t stop with pain. In certain cases, kidney stones can be extra nasty. If […]
October 28, 2015 | Kidney Stones Men's Health Women's Health
Kidney stones are a major pain in the abdomen. At Austin Urology Institute, Dr. Koushik Shaw and his team frequently see patients who are sidelined by a burr in their urinary tract, wondering how it got there and how to make it go away. Patients often ask if kidney stones are caused by stress […]
June 17, 2015 | Kidney Stones
Summertime is also the season of kidney stones. If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, you never want to have another one. If you’ve never had one, consider yourself lucky. Kidney stones are inconvenient and painful. Luckily, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing one. Tips to Prevent Kidney Stones […]
October 8, 2014 | Kidney Stones
Yes! So the next time you feel that twinge of pain, go ahead and blame your relatives. Kidney stones are hereditary. If your parents or other family members have had kidney stones, you are also at risk to have them. With family history, it is important to alter your diet to prevent stones. This includes […]
August 18, 2014 | Kidney Cancer Kidney Stones
Kidney stones pass once they are out of the kidney, traveling down the ureter to the bladder. Stones that are <5mm can usually pass on their own. Some patients may choose conservative treatment and observe their stones, rather than go through a surgical procedure. This usually includes stones that are less than 6mm, not […]
August 14, 2014 | Kidney Stones
Kidney stones have a higher chance of developing based on poor diet, certain medications and genetics. What are some common indicators? 1. Low water intake or decreased hydration 2. High caffeine intake such as coffee, soda, tea, energy drinks (>2-3 beverages per day) 3. Obesity 5. Poor diet 4. Family history 5. High intake of […]
August 12, 2014 | Kidney Stones
Surgery on kidney stones should be reserved as an option for cases where observation has failed. Surgery may be needed if a stone: – does not pass after a reasonable period of time (usually about 1-2 weeks) – Causes constant and intractable pain – Causes persistent nausea and vomiting – Is too large to pass […]
June 10, 2014 | Kidney Health Kidney Stones
Austin and its surrounding cities (Georgetown, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, Bastrop, and San Marcos) are at higher risk of making stones mostly due to the hot weather. During the summer, people enjoy spending time outside. Austin, in particular is a very active city and many people do not hydrate as well as they should. […]
May 21, 2014 | Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are common, particularly in the Central Texas area, where high heat can lead to dehydration, which increases the likelihood of stone formation. 1. Low water intake or decreased hydration 2. High caffeine intake such as coffee, soda, tea, energy drinks (>2-3 beverages per day) 3. Obesity 5. Poor diet 4. Family history 5. […]
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