You Are What You Eat – Testosterone & Diet

January 28, 2021


It’s true. The phrase, “you are what you eat,” was actually good advice that we’ve all been told at some point. It turns out that what you put in your mouth affects more than weight and overall health– it also influences testosterone production.

And testosterone plays a huge role in your quality of life and overall health. Libido, energy level, mood, sleep, erections, mental clarity, fertility, weight loss, muscle mass, motivation, bone density and cardiovascular health are all influenced by testosterone.

Testosterone levels in men slowly decline with aging. Levels typically decrease by 1% each year beginning at the age of 40. Testosterone production is multifaceted and complex. Eating mindfully, to ensure it benefits your testosterone production, doesn’t have to be.

So if you are what you eat, then what do you eat to keep your testosterone in check?  Specific foods contain minerals and vitamins which help drive testosterone production. Eating to keep your either boost or maintain testosterone isn’t hard to do. Tweak your diet a bit to get a healthy amount of Zinc, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Arginine (L-arginine) and all the B vitamins (B3, B6, B12).

Try adding some oysters, salmon, shellfish, tuna or if– vegetarian– beans (blackbeans, chickpeas, lentils) to your plate for a zing of zinc.

Combine that with mushrooms, whole eggs or foods that are fortified with vitamin D such as orange juice or oats and you’ve hit your Vitamin D goal.

Like greens, whole grains, nuts, avocados, bananas and dark chocolate? There’s your magnesium and Vitamin Bs.

Never heard of L-arginine? Well if you’ve ever eaten chicken, turkey, peanuts, lentils, or chickpeas than you’ve had a belly full of L-arginine.

Eating to keep your testosterone in range and you healthy is simple. Add a side of this or a slice of that and you are well on your way. If you are interested in more information evaluating your testosterone and diet–schedule an appointment with a provider and nutritionist at Austin Urology Institute.