Expert Insights

Seeking Out Evil – Prostate Cancer Detection

February 15, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

Refining Prostate Cancer Detection While no one likes having to bend over and crack a smile, Digital Prostate exams (DREs) are often employed as first-line preventative and diagnostic care of the prostate. It’s an exam that usually takes only several seconds and one during which your doctor will check for any abnormalities such as lumps […]

Know When to Go – Prostate Cancer Screening

February 11, 2019  |  Prostate Cancer  

Heade the Alarm Your PSA is high. It’s gone up. Repeatedly. And you’ve heard your doctor share some concerns about the risk of prostate cancer due to your PSA increasing. You hear the word cancer and suddenly, you’re beginning to wonder if it’s time to search for the top urological cancer surgeon in Texas and […]

Living With a Curve – What Is Peyronie’s Disease

January 31, 2019  |  The/Age  Uncategorized  

What is Peyronies Disease? Peyronie — say that again, but this time, add a French touch. The “R” rolls off your tongue and it sounds as if it could be a name said in passing somewhere throughout one of your favorite French films, which proves especially true when considering that the word “Peyronie” actually stems […]

What’s So Rad About a Radical Prostatectomy?

January 22, 2019  |  Prostate Cancer  Robotic Surgery  

Not a laughing matter  We all joke about the ol’ ‘Turn your head, and cough’, but approximately one out of nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, and that’s nothing to giggle at. Prostate cancer is a disease that typically develops in more mature men, with about six out of ten […]

Low Intensity PulseWave Therapy for ED Treatment

January 17, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  The/Age  

Pulse-Wave has arrived Low-Intensity Pulse-Wave therapy has been used for years in the orthopedic world to effectively treat joint disorders. It has been shown to break down scar tissue, induce growth factors and increase blood flow.  Subsequently, numerous European studies have shown PulseWave therapy to be highly effective in the treatment of mild to moderate […]

Are all Bladder Tumors Cancerous?

January 16, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

The fear of bladder tumor symptoms When you hear your doctor utter the word bladder alongside tumor, growth, cyst, or polyp, the word that immediately springs to your mind is “cancer.” To make matters worse, they then mention biopsy. Suddenly, your heart’s racing as if it’s late to work; your mind spins a mile a […]

Bladder Irritants – Avoiding a Mad Bladder

December 4, 2018  |  Bladder  

Bladder Irritants – Avoiding a Mad Bladder You’ve seen the signs and after some internet searching, you’re fairly certain that your symptoms align with symptoms of a bladder tumor. Now, the next step is ask yourself, how is bladder cancer diagnosed? After a few quick clicks, you come to a clear conclusion — it’s time […]

How Do You Treat Bladder Cancer? – Bladder Cancer Treatment Methods

November 14, 2018  |  Bladder  

How Do You Treat Bladder Cancer? Depending on the type, grade and stage, there are several different ways you can treat bladder cancer. Additionally, one’s overall health and treatment preferences play a large role in what the preferred approach is. Second opinions, visiting specialists including oncologists are all important parts of the process. Dr. Shaw […]

Bladder Cancer: Stats, Causes and Symptoms

October 23, 2018  |  Bladder  

There is a lot to be said about Bladder cancer, and the Austin Urology Institute is here to lay it all out. Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers in the U.S. It affects approximately 68,000 adults in the United States each year. It begins in the cells that line the inside of […]

Vasectomy vs. Other Birth Control – A Snip In a Snap

October 16, 2018  |  Vasectomy  

When you’re considering a vasectomy it’s natural to have doubts and worries. You are considering a very permanent procedure so it’s natural to be hesitant. That much is to be expected, and it’s likely evident from your recent Google searches, which are now front-loaded with terms including epididymitis after vasectomy, enlarged epididymitis after vasectomy, and […]

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