June 11, 2015 | Men's Health Prostate Cancer
You are going to put your finger where? As a male you are getting older and the inevitable happens, you wind up at your doctors office with your pants down, asked to turn over and the doctor explains where his finger is going. You take a deep breath and let it happen, it is for […]
October 27, 2014 | Men's Health Women's Health
AUI treats both men and women. In both patients, we treat for kidney stones, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and other abnormalities of the kidney or urinary tract. Male patients are also seen for low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer to name a few. We see female patients for urological issues such as […]
October 24, 2014 | Men's Health Women's Health
If you’ve noticed something unusual with your body and chosen to see a urologist, or been referred to an Austin urologist by another doctor, you may not know what to expect or what a urologist actually treats. A urologist is a specialist who deals with problems of the urinary system which includes the kidneys, ureters, […]
October 6, 2014 | Men's Health Vasectomy
Despite being a fairly common and simple procedure, there’s a lot of misinformation about vasectomies floating around. If you’re fuzzy on the details, this Q&A clears up some common misconceptions. If I get a vasectomy now can it be reversed? A vasectomy may technically be reversed, however the success rate of a reversal is about […]
September 11, 2014 | Men's Health
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is doing a wonderful job of raising awareness about the need for regular prostate cancer screenings, but it’s important to maintain year-round vigilance for all of the different health risks posed by age. This chart provides a holistic look at all of the things men need to look out for at […]
August 11, 2014 | Men's Health
At the Austin Urology Institute, we have treated varicoceles, or abnormal dilated veins around the testicle, for several reasons. These include a large varicocele that causes progressive pain as the day goes on, as well as a large varicocele causing infertility, or high numbers of abnormal sperm. However, recently, there has been some interest in […]
June 19, 2014 | Men's Health Women's Health
What is the American Urological Association meeting all about? The American Urological Association (AUA) held its annual meeting recently in Orlando, FL. It was a great opportunity to hear speakers from around the country (and even other countries) discuss the standard guidelines, changes, and new research in the urology field. This is done through lectures, […]
June 16, 2014 | Men's Health Women's Health
We have all been there. You stand up and look right before you flush and you ask yourself, is that normal? Before you diagnose yourself, here are some of the most common colors of urine that stir questions. Urine that is orange may be discolored due to the foods you are eating or certain […]
May 15, 2014 | Low Testosterone Men's Health
Testosterone can decrease with age. Natural testosterone can also decrease if you have used testosterone supplements or steroids in the past. Some men may have deficiencies in the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland called FSH and LH; these hormones signal your testicles to make more testosterone. There is also a rare brain tumor (non-cancerous) […]
May 13, 2014 | Low Testosterone Men's Health Uncategorized
Testosterone is essential for many bodily functions. It is a steroid sex hormone, which is mostly produced by the testicles that get signals from the pituitary gland in the brain. While the majority is made in the testicles, about 5% is made by the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidney. Testosterone is […]
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