Expert Insights

New Cancer Fighting Technology Comes To Austin

April 17, 2014  |  Bladder  

The Austin Urology Institute would like to announce the next big step in the fight against bladder cancer: the arrival of Narrow Band Imaging in the Travis County Area. As with any form of cancer, early detection is the most effective step in making a full recovery. However, with the Austin area’s current technology, standard […]

Leaking Urine: The Consequence of Incontinence

March 27, 2014  |  Incontinence  

You can’t always control when you pee. But you can at least know why: Why do I leak urine? Men and women leak urine for different reasons. Urinary leakage in women is typically associated with age, family history, and past pregnancies/deliveries. Men typically leak urine after a prostate surgery. Contact your doctor if urinary leakage […]

When to Get a Prostate Exam

March 12, 2014  |  Prostate Cancer  

We at Austin Urology Institute get a lot of questions about when it’s appropriate and effective to get a prostate exam, and when a prostate biopsy is ordered after that. Here are the general guidelines: When do I need a prostate exam? Prostate exams (along with PSA blood test) are part of prostate cancer screening. […]

Kidney Stones on the Rise in the US

February 11, 2014  |  Kidney Health  

Kidney stones are increasingly becoming a problem in the United States, and much of that rise can be attributed to poor dietary habits and the growing rate of obesity. Because kidney stones are caused by what we eat and our lifestyle, they are prevented through the same mechanisms as well. Kidney stones are calcifications that […]

Austin Urology Institute to Offer Xiaflex for Peyronie’s Disease

January 10, 2014  |  Uncategorized  

Austin Urology Institute is proud to be amongst the first to offer Xiaflex as the first FDA approved treatment for men with Peyronie’s Disease. Peyronie’s disease is a painful condition involving curvature of the penis as a result of traumatic intercourse. The penis has two chambers, the corpus cavernosum, that fill with blood during an […]

What does a urologist do?

December 18, 2013  |  Austin Urology  Kidney Health  Men's Health  Women's Health  

A urologist is a specialist who deals with problems of the urinary system which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, and urethra.  In addition to the urinary system, a urologist also sees male patients for issues with erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, and pain in the prostate or testicles. There can be some confusion between a […]

What conditions does a urologist treat?

December 11, 2013  |  Men's Health  Women's Health  

A urologist is a medical doctor that treats disorders of the urinary system for men and women, as well as the male reproductive system. This includes surgical and medical treatment. There is a wide variety of conditions ranging from low testosterone to urinary infections to cancer.  Men’s health conditions include low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, prostate […]

Diet and Overactive Bladder

November 21, 2013  |  Bladder  

Overactive bladder (OAB) can be a frustrating condition to live with. What many people don’t realize is that diet plays a significant role in symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency. This is often described as the “gotta go” feeling. Coffee is commonly a culprit in making these symptoms worse. Caffeine acts as a bladder irritant […]

Our Signs at The Long Center

October 18, 2013  |  Enlarged Prostate  Incontinence  UTIs  Vasectomy  

An Artful Message at Austin’s Cultural Center When do you think about your urine? Probably when you’re in the restroom. That’s the idea behind our yearlong campaign taking over the Long Center restrooms. Part public service announcement, part site-specific art piece, these signs are designed to send the message of good urologic health exactly when […]

Prostate Cancer and Your Urine: How Your Pee Could Save Your Life

September 30, 2013  |  Prostate Cancer  

Cancer.  It’s a terrifying concept.  It’s not so much the idea of what the disease does to you that worries most, it’s the fact there’s always the chance to avoid the consequences.  Sadly, not many people are aware of what’s happening to their bodies until it’s far too late.  Although, thanks to the power of […]

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