Prostate Problems? Consider Going Plant-Based

June 5, 2022

Meat is as American as Apple Pie and Baseball, but, in large amounts, it can be bad for your gut and prostate health. An analysis of 31 studies showed that a plant-based diet can be beneficial for men at risk for or diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Plant-Based: A Good Enlarged Prostate Diet?

According to Dr. Natasha Gupta “Men should be encouraged to adopt a plant-based diet to help improve overall and prostate health.” Gupta and her colleagues reviewed 16 interventional studies and 15 observational studies that analyzed the effects of full plant-based dietary patterns and incidence among at-risk men for prostate cancer. 

The interventional studies were primarily centered around lifestyle modifications. These included plant-based diets for men being monitored for prostate cancer or those that had instances of recurrence after treatment. The results showed short-term, positive oncologic outcomes coupled with an increase in overall health. 

The epidemiologic studies focused mostly on the risk for prostate cancer. The findings showed that plant-based diets provided some protection against the risk for prostate cancer. 

Dr. Gupta found that “For men at risk of developing prostate cancer, those who were vegetarian or vegan were either significantly less likely or had an equivalent risk of developing prostate cancer over time compared to men who ate meat and/or fish. Notably, no study showed an increased risk of developing prostate cancer with a plant-based diet. For men who already have a diagnosis of prostate cancer, those who adopted a plant-based diet had significantly improved general health and prostate cancer outcomes.”

Other Findings 

Dr. Gupta and the researchers also reported that studies evaluating the efficacy of a vegan diet as a preventative measure against prostate cancer consistently showed favorable associations with risk or outcomes. However, research on long-term outcomes provided limited results.  “These results are encouraging in light of the many benefits of plant-based diets for overall health, as well as environmental sustainability and animal welfare,” Gupta and colleagues wrote.

Red meat, fried food, and other foods high in fat are foods that enlarge prostate size in men. If you have prostate concerns, our team at Austin Urology Institute is here to help! If you are interested in learning more about dieting and general wellness, our Men’s Wellness Institute is a great resource. Contact us today!