A urologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract for both men and women, as well as the male reproductive system. Before booking an appointment at an Austin urologist, consider whether the health condition in question is appropriate for a specialist of this sort. We also offer preventative men’s and women’s wellness consulting, including an in-house nutritionist in our Austin-area clinics.
The urinary tract is responsible for creating, storing, and removing urine from the body. This system includes the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
Urologists can also treat all parts of the male reproductive system, which includes the male testes, prostate, and penis.
Here are the top conditions a urologist treats:
–Enlarged prostate or BPH
–Kidney stones
–Erectile dysfunction
–Low testosterone
-Chronic or acute urinary tract infections
–Overactive bladder
–Kidney cancer
-Male and female incontinence
-Prostate infections
–Testicular pain
–Peyronie’s Disease
–Male infertility
–Female hormone replacement
There are other less common conditions treated in a urology practice too.
If you are in need of care for any urological condition contact Austin Urology Institute at 512.694.888 to schedule a consultation with a provider.
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