Expert Insights

Keep Your Kidneys Healthy on World Kidney Day

March 9, 2017  |  Kidney Health  

March is National Kidney Month and March 10 is World Kidney Day. At Austin Urology Institute, we treat all manner of kidney conditions – from kidney stones to kidney cancer. However, we’d much rather you take care of your kidneys to prevent these issues before they happen. So today, review our kidney health infographic and make […]

What is a no scalpel vasectomy?

February 2, 2017  |  Vasectomy  

Patients sometimes ask me about the possibility of a no scalpel vasectomy. I’m not sure where they get this term from, maybe advertisements or Googling. I’m not surprised by this question, since the thought of a scalpel in that particular area is going to cause a little bit of anxiety, but it’s really nothing to […]

Why does my groin hurt?

January 25, 2017  |  Men's Health  

There are many causes of groin pain in men (as any episode of the Three Stooges can attest). Some are nothing to be concerned about, while others are a sign that you should see a urologist right away. One cause is very obvious – trauma to the scrotal area will cause groin pain. Any kind […]

Why I Founded Austin Urology Institute

January 10, 2017  |  Uncategorized  

People ask me all the time, “Why in the heck did you choose urology?!?” I’ve got several funny answers to that question, but it all started back at Boston University School of Medicine, where I was trying to decide between going into medicine or surgery. After rotating through several specialties, I decided that I was […]

Bladder Cancer Prevention

December 13, 2016  |  Bladder  

How to prevent bladder cancer Surely, somewhere along the way, you’ve heard the saying you are what you eat. While you won’t exactly wake up one morning resembling the mini tacos you inhaled the night before, the saying holds its fair share of weight. An essential component for healthy living is healthy eating, but there’s […]

From Africa To Austin: In Search of The Plumber of People

December 5, 2016  |  Uncategorized  

Recently, Dr. Shaw had the privilege of treating the Hon. Dr. Cornelius Mwalwanda, former Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development for the Republic of Malawi and former Director and Principal Advisor of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Dr. Mwalwanda traveled more than 9,000 miles to be treated at Austin Urology Institute. […]

Why You Keep Getting UTIs

November 22, 2016  |  Bladder  UTIs  

  Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are no fun. It’s not unusual to get a UTI every once in a while and they are generally treated pretty easily with antibiotics, but if you’re getting them frequently, it may be time to see a doctor. We tend to think of UTIs in younger women as being associated […]

How Bladder Cancer Hides in Women

November 16, 2016  |  Bladder  Women's Health  

This week, we’re continuing our series on the bladder for Bladder Health Month. Today, we’re talking about bladder cancer, and specifically bladder cancer in women.  Like many urologic problems, we tend to think of bladder cancer as something that affects older men. There is some truth to this. Of the estimate 77,000 new cases of […]

What Are Kidney Cysts?

November 15, 2016  |  Kidney Health  

Kidney cysts are fluid filled pouches that form on the kidney. It is not well known as to why these form. Most of the time they are found incidentally during an ultrasound or Cat Scan (CT). There is some evidence that suggests males tend to have renal cysts more than females. Statistics show that 50% of the population older than age […]

Bedwetting Doesn’t Just Affect Children

November 10, 2016  |  Incontinence  

November is Bladder Health month and we’re highlighting a few topics that don’t get much attention throughout the year. This week, we’re covering adult bedwetting (or, as urologists call it, nocturia.) Nocturia affects 5 million adults across the United States, which hopefully makes you feel less alone if you have the occasional accident.  You may […]

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