Expert Insights

Are There Vasectomy Side Effects?

January 13, 2016  |  Vasectomy  

As guys, we spend most of our lives trying to keep sharp objects away from our downstairs business (it’s the whole reason pants were invented) so apprehension about getting a vasectomy is normal. You may have heard horror stories, or maybe your imagination is enough to keep you sticking with less reliable birth control methods, […]

Can Prostate Cancer Spread to the Bladder?

December 15, 2015  |  Bladder  Men's Health  Prostate Cancer  

When caught early and treated, patients with prostate cancer have a high chance of being cancer-free after surgery. This will depend on the grade and extent of the cancer, as well as the patient’s other medical problems. While prostate cancer is considered a slow-growing cancer, it is still important to follow-up, and have proper screening […]

Dr. Shaw on Let’s Get Healthy with Bill Swail

December 15, 2015  |  Uncategorized  

Dr. Koushik Shaw is no stranger to Austin media. He makes regular appearances on Dudley and Bob and he’s a frequent guest on Austin news channels. The other day, he made the jump to the AM side of the dial to appear on Let’s Get Healthy – a medical news and advice show sponsored by […]

Dr. Shaw Talks Kidney Transplantation on KEYE

December 14, 2015  |  Kidney Health  

There’s a major dearth of kidney donors in the United States, which means that Americans suffering from kidney disease must undergo time-consuming dialysis treatments in order to lead a normal life. One Austin family is using the holidays as a way to get more exposure for the need for kidney donors, and hopefully find a […]

Saving Your Sperm at a Sperm Bank

December 8, 2015  |  Men's Health  Vasectomy  

If you’re suffering from a urologic issue that may affect your body’s production of sperm, sperm banking can be done to preserve or freeze sperm that may later be used if you are planning to have a child in the future. This is referred to as cryopreservation. Fairfax Cryo Bank in Austin, TX provides this […]

Austin Urology Institute Treats Patients from Around the World

December 4, 2015  |  Robotic Surgery  

Leading-edge da Vinci robotic surgery is rare, which is why patients from around the globe travel all the way to Austin to receive robotic surgery treatment from Dr. Shaw and the Austin Urology Institute team. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of meeting and helping people from amazing places and with amazing stories. We’re […]

Low Testosterone Symptoms in Young Men

November 24, 2015  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  

Testosterone can decrease as men get older. In some, this can onset at an earlier age and the symptoms can interfere with daily life and relationships. At Austin Urology Institute, we evaluate and treat men of all ages. While the symptoms listed below are typical of low testosterone (aka Low T), it is also important […]

Dr. Shaw on Dudley & Bob – November 2015

November 20, 2015  |  Uncategorized  

Dr. Shaw made one of his regular visits to patients Dale Dudley and Bob Fonseca during the Dudley & Bob show on KLBJ-FM. Dr. Shaw and the guys talked Rushmore, traffic, and, of course, urology with the people of Austin. You can listen to the entire segment below! You don’t have to rely on the radio […]

What to expect after a prostate biopsy

November 10, 2015  |  Enlarged Prostate  Men's Health  Prostate Cancer  

Dr. Koushik Shaw and the Austin Urology Institute team are experts on the prostate. One of the more common questions we’re asked is what happens after a prostate biopsy. See also: Prostate Cancer – Stages, Risks, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention A prostate biopsy is usually performed when there is a high suspicion of prostate cancer […]

Focus on Men’s Health in November

November 6, 2015  |  Men's Health  

November is a great month to focus on men’s health, with plenty of events going on to raise money and awareness for male-focused causes. One of the most important things you can do during November to promote men’s health is get a prostate cancer screening if you’re due for one. If your not, or if […]

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