December 18, 2019 | Erectile Dysfunction Low Testosterone Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
Testosterone is a big deal. When it’s low, testosterone can impact the quality of your life dramatically. Men with low testosterone can experience low libido, fatigue, loss of energy, depression, mood changes, erectile dysfunction, infertility, difficulty with weight loss, decrease in muscle mass, lack of motivation, decrease in mental clarity and sleep disturbances, and poor […]
December 13, 2019 | Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
It’s no secret that cannabis has been widely used for years as a recreational drug. And more recently, as an alternative medical treatment. Today, with its legalization and decriminalization in the U.S. its use is even more widespread– especially at younger ages. Although research on the long term health benefits versus risks is on the […]
December 4, 2019 | Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
Male infertility accounts for 40–50% of all infertility, affecting approximately 7% of all men. It is due to low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm. Illnesses, injuries, chronic health problems, lifestyle choices, and other factors can also play a role in causing male infertility. Interested in getting your […]
December 3, 2019 | Bladder Kidney Cancer Kidney Health UTIs
A UTI while pregnant can be frustrating. Urinary tract infections or bladder infections (UTIs) are common in pregnancy with between 2-10% of women diagnosed with them while pregnant. Pregnant women are at increased risk for UTIs starting in week 6 through week 24. So if you’re in a similar situation, this info might help you […]
November 30, 2019 | Bladder Enlarged Prostate Erectile Dysfunction Incontinence Kidney Cancer Kidney Health Kidney Stones Men's Health Prostate Cancer Vasectomy
During my medical school and training, I, along with other medical professionals were taught how to properly analyze, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of disease processes. While learning “how to doctor,” patient encounters were typically rote and followed a fairly strict protocol and ritual: obtain a history, perform a physical exam, provide an assessment […]
November 28, 2019 | Men's Health Vasectomy
Vasectomies are a common, easy and practical approach to contraception. One, that has a 99.85% success rate. A vasectomy is performed in our Austin location as a 15-minute procedure with very little need to prep, minimal recovery time and very few risks. While it is considered a permanent form of contraception, we offer vasectomy reversals […]
November 21, 2019 | Erectile Dysfunction Low Testosterone Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
Looking for “Testosterone Specialist Near Me”? in Texas? You’ve Found Us! Testosterone plays a role in many areas of a male’s life. Most people consider it to be solely responsible for sexual performance and enhancing mood, but it also plays a vital role in promoting life longevity… to a point. Testosterone promotes muscle building which […]
November 14, 2019 | Low Testosterone Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
What is testosterone therapy? Testosterone levels in men normally slowly decline with age. Levels typically decrease by 1-2% each year beginning at the age of 40. However, testosterone may also drop quickly due to medical illnesses such as stroke, trauma, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, obesity, heart attacks or medications. Before any testosterone treatment is […]
November 5, 2019 | Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
No matter how much promise a new treatment method may hold, it’s important to look at the evidence. There are plenty of clinics that will sell a treatment based on potential rather than proven results. When seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction, you are always better served going to an actual urologist. Dr. Shaw lent his […]
October 25, 2019 | Erectile Dysfunction Low Testosterone Men's Health Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)
Testosterone levels in men tend to slowly decline with age. Levels typically decrease by 1-2% each year beginning at the age of 40. Low t symptoms can include difficulties with erections, low libido, fatigue, mood changes, drops in energy in the afternoons, sleeping problems or difficulty maintaining muscle mass. What a lot of people don’t […]
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