Expert Insights

Austin Urology Institute Purchases State of the Art Technology

October 15, 2019  |  Bladder  

Austin Urology Institute recently became one of the first urology practices in the state of Texas to start using the latest technology to detect bladder cancers. With the addition of two Olympus camera systems that provide High-Definition vision, as well as Narrow-Band-Imaging (NBI) Dr. Shaw and his team are able to see into the bladder […]

What does a urologist treat?

October 15, 2019  |  Austin Urology  

At the Austin Urology Institute, we hear from a lot of people that they don’t know what a urologist does.  I often tell my patients that I am a “Plumber for People.”  What does that mean?  Well, we treat diseases involving the genitourinary tract.  That involves the kidneys and the ureters, which take urine down […]

What age should I get a prostate exam?

October 15, 2019  |  Enlarged Prostate  Men's Health  Prostate Cancer  

Prostate health is one of the most important concerns for men as they age. Prostate cancer awareness is a mainstream concern and more and more men are feeling comfortable discussing prostate health with their doctors. Still, there’s some confusion about when to get a prostate exam or if it’s advisable to get a prostate exam. […]

Dr. Shaw on Dudley & Bob 2/22

October 15, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

Once again, Dr. Shaw has made his regular house call to KLBJ’s Dudley & Bob + Matt to help the people of Austin with their urologic issues. Dr. Shaw talked to the guys about men’s and women’s health issues, helped out some callers and even tried his hand at an ad read. Check out the full […]

Doc Talk: Why Are Men Generally Fertile at a Later Age Than Women?

October 15, 2019  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  

Testosterone in men peaks in your 20’s and can drop 1-2% every year from there, increasing your chance for infertility.

Why Are Men Shocking Their Penises

October 11, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Men's Health  

Shockwave Therapy for ED Affecting approximately 30 million men in the U.S., erectile dysfunction (ED) is common for men of all ages. Erectile dysfunction symptoms are two-fold. It includes difficulty achieving an erection and/or difficulty maintaining an erection. Oftentimes, the cause of ED is due to poor blood flow to the penis caused by a […]

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month – Fox Austin

October 8, 2019  |  Prostate Cancer  TV Appearances  Uncategorized  

Dr. Shaw joined Good Day Austin to raise awareness of prostate cancer and what you need to keep yourself (or the men in your life) safe.

The Last Plumber You’ll Ever Need – Meet Dr. Law

September 30, 2019  |  Uncategorized  

You might wonder what drives someone to become a urologist. It’s a truly unique niche. And for such a unique niche, you need unique doctors. Dr. Law is one of them. Here’s how he ended up at the Austin Urology Institute. Meet Dr. Law To be honest and frank, I had absolutely no idea what […]

Dr. Shaw in Cosmo: “The 18 Different Types of Boners Guys Experience, Explained”

September 23, 2019  |  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

Dr. Shaw is an expert in all things urology, including men’s sexual health and how erections work, which is why Comsopolitan turned to him for this article on the various types of erections and what causes them. Read the full story here.

The Hard Truth: 5 Misleading Myths About ED

August 23, 2019  |  Erectile Dysfunction  Sexual Health (ED, Hormones, & Fertility)  

The Hard Truth It’s easy to be swooned by the several myths about erectile dysfunction that surface in bars and fantasy draft chat rooms. But given the sensitivity of the topic, men tend to lose their heads (the one on your shoulders). So before you start believing that things like shockwave therapy and Gainswave electrocute […]

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