March 5, 2021 | Bladder
Getting up frequently at night to urinate can wreck your much needed shut eye. Poor sleep affects mood, energy level, testosterone levels, mental clarity, performance at work and the gym, relationships with friends and family, eating habits and your physical fitness. Sleeping soundly for seven to nine hours a night has been linked to overall […]
February 14, 2021 | Bladder
The good news is most people can reduce or alleviate their symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB) through diet and lifestyle changes, medication, or both. If you have OAB, it’s important to avoid foods that can irritate your bladder. Opt instead for whole foods that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and easy on your system. You […]
February 10, 2021 | Austin Urology Bladder Kidney Health Kidney Stones Men's Health Women's Health
Kidney stones. The name alone is enough to leave some people shuttering. While some kidney stones are as small as a grain of sand and pass through the ureter without us even knowing, some can leave you with a sharp pain in your back, side, lower abdomen, or groin, and chances are the task of […]
February 1, 2021 | Bladder
Keeping your bladder healthy and functioning as you age is important for both men and women. While men and women may experience different types of bladder problems due to different causes as they age, bladder health applies to everyone. Think you know all about your bladder? Urine luck! Here are some fast fun facts about […]
October 20, 2020 | Bladder Kidney Cancer
Austin Urology Institute is proud to be amongst the first to offer a revolutionary new cancer treatment for transitional cell carcinoma, or TCC, of the upper urinary tract or kidney. Most TCC lesions are found in the bladder, where they are easily resectable and treated with topical chemotherapy agents such as MMC or BCG. Having […]
August 25, 2020 | Bladder Enlarged Prostate Uncategorized
BPH, or enlarged prostate is a common condition that can affect men as early as age 30. As the prostate is an organ specific to the male reproductive anatomy, it is also considered “man’s lifelong friend or enemy” that is responsible for symptoms like frequency, urgency, nighttime urination, weak stream, or overactive bladder symptoms. Unless […]
March 7, 2020 | Austin Urology Bladder Enlarged Prostate Incontinence Men's Health Women's Health
Overactive bladder is more common than you think. But sometimes, it’s hard to tell on your own whether it’s an actual condition you have or something extraneous. Some of the symptoms of overactive bladder include the following: – Do you pee more frequently than you would often like? – Do you experience sudden urges to […]
February 7, 2020 | Austin Urology Bladder Enlarged Prostate Incontinence Men's Health
BPH, or enlarged prostate, is a common condition affecting men around the age of 50. Common symptoms of BPH may include straining to urinate, weak urine stream, dribbling at the end of urination, waking up at night multiple times to urinate, or the inability to empty your bladder. If you experience any or all of […]
February 6, 2020 | Bladder Enlarged Prostate Incontinence Men's Health UTIs
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common urological condition that affects about 40 million men in the U.S. The prostate is a small gland located below the neck of the bladder and the urethra. It runs through the center of the prostate from the bladder and through the penis where urine flows out. As the […]
February 2, 2020 | Austin Urology Bladder Incontinence UTIs
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common medical condition affecting as many as 30% of men and 40% of women in the United States. It is estimated that up to 50% of women and 30% of men will experience bladder control problems and symptoms of OAB during their lifetime. OAB is characterized by a sudden, uncomfortable […]
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