
When Do Urinary Problems Start Damaging Your Body?

January 27, 2020  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Incontinence  UTIs  

If you’re a man beginning to get around your middle ages, you might have noticed a growing problem in your day to day life. Typically, having to do with urinary issues and going to the bathroom. These urinary problems might include the frequent or urgent need to urinate, increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia), […]

Is Stress Making My BPH Symptoms Worse?

January 22, 2020  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Incontinence  

Benign prostate hyperplasia or, BPH, is a common, progressive urological condition that can seriously impede the fluidity of your life. This condition, which has to do with the enlargement of the prostate, occurs in men around the age of 50. At 60 years old, 50% of men start exhibiting symptoms of BPH. And by age […]

Everything You Didn’t Know About BPH

January 10, 2020  |  Austin Urology  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Incontinence  UTIs  

When you’re receiving treatment for BPH, medical management doesn’t always work. However, that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. If medical management fails, the next conversation your Urologist will have with you will consider all the surgical treatment options for BPH. Traditionally, Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) and more recently, the Urolift procedure, have […]

The “Quality of Life” Items Your Doctor Often Forgets

November 30, 2019  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Erectile Dysfunction  Incontinence  Kidney Cancer  Kidney Health  Kidney Stones  Men's Health  Prostate Cancer  Vasectomy  

During my medical school and training, I, along with other medical professionals were taught how to properly analyze, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of disease processes. While learning “how to doctor,” patient encounters were typically rote and followed a fairly strict protocol and ritual: obtain a history, perform a physical exam, provide an assessment […]

Doc Talk: Is Your Pee Alerting You to Kidney Cancer?

September 25, 2018  |  Bladder  Incontinence  Kidney Cancer  

The color of your pee can actually alert you to kidney stones or kidney cancer, as well as infection. Find out what color is the perfect pee color and what you can do to achieve it.

It Shouldn’t Be Hard to Go With The Flow

July 13, 2018  |  Bladder  Incontinence  Men's Health  Robotic Surgery  

You’ve been there multiple times in your life – arriving at an event or happening and having to track down the location of the bathroom before you even find your seat. Maybe you don’t even have to go yet, but you already know that halfway through that iced tea you’re going to be heading for […]

Bedwetting Doesn’t Just Affect Children

November 10, 2016  |  Incontinence  

November is Bladder Health month and we’re highlighting a few topics that don’t get much attention throughout the year. This week, we’re covering adult bedwetting (or, as urologists call it, nocturia.) Nocturia affects 5 million adults across the United States, which hopefully makes you feel less alone if you have the occasional accident.  You may […]

Why am I leaking?

June 14, 2014  |  Incontinence  

Sometimes we laugh a little too hard or cough or have that really big sneeze and all of a sudden we pee a little. This can be a funny experience for yourself that you usually don’t tell anyone, but you need to be careful and make sure it is not caused by something more serious. […]

Leaking Urine: The Consequence of Incontinence

March 27, 2014  |  Incontinence  

You can’t always control when you pee. But you can at least know why: Why do I leak urine? Men and women leak urine for different reasons. Urinary leakage in women is typically associated with age, family history, and past pregnancies/deliveries. Men typically leak urine after a prostate surgery. Contact your doctor if urinary leakage […]

Our Signs at The Long Center

October 18, 2013  |  Enlarged Prostate  Incontinence  UTIs  Vasectomy  

An Artful Message at Austin’s Cultural Center When do you think about your urine? Probably when you’re in the restroom. That’s the idea behind our yearlong campaign taking over the Long Center restrooms. Part public service announcement, part site-specific art piece, these signs are designed to send the message of good urologic health exactly when […]

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