Choosing a Urologist for Circumcision

April 30, 2024

Circumcision. It’s something that we don’t think about typically because if we have it done, we’re usually babies! But, there are things to consider if you decide to have a family and are considering whether circumcision for your baby boy is right. Some adult men also decide to have circumcision done for medical or religious reasons, and often these later circumcisions come with quite a few questions! Our aim is to illuminate this decision-making process with personal narratives, cultural insights, and the latest research findings.

Infant Circumcision, From the Parent’s Perspective

The decision to circumcise your newborn son can be profound. It’s a blend of weighing potential health benefits, cultural or religious considerations, and the anticipation of discomfort for your precious child. Many parents are drawn to the notion of reduced urinary tract infections, easier hygiene, and safeguarding against future issues like balanitis or phimosis. Yet, there’s an inevitable apprehension about the risks involved, however rare they may be, and the thought of your baby experiencing any discomfort during and after the procedure.

Adult Circumcision

For adults facing circumcision due to medical reasons such as balanitis or phimosis, the decision holds a different weight. It’s about addressing existing concerns and seeking relief from discomfort or complications that impact daily life. The prospect of improved genital hygiene, reduced risk of infections, and potential relief from recurrent issues can be motivating. Yet, the journey of healing from adult circumcision can be arduous, both physically and emotionally, with concerns about post-operative discomfort and cosmetic outcomes.

Myths, Facts, and Traditions

Circumcision is a topic deeply intertwined with cultural and religious traditions. While some myths persist, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. Circumcision is not solely a Western practice but is observed in various cultures globally. While religious significance may be a driving factor for some, medical benefits like reduced risk of infections and penile cancer are supported by research. Furthermore, studies have shown that circumcision does not significantly impact sexual pleasure or function for most men, debunking a common misconception.

Research Insights: Unveiling the Evidence

The decision to circumcise is often informed by research findings. Studies have suggested that infant circumcision may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and certain sexually transmitted infections later in life. Moreover, circumcision has been associated with a decreased risk of acquiring HIV infection in heterosexual men. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses support these findings, highlighting the potential public health benefits of circumcision in reducing the burden of infectious diseases.

So what Now?

In the realm of circumcision, the decision is deeply personal, shaped by individual beliefs, cultural traditions, and medical considerations. As healthcare providers, we aim to navigate this journey alongside you, offering support, guidance, and evidence-based information. By illuminating the multifaceted aspects of circumcision—from personal narratives to cultural insights and research findings—we empower you to make informed decisions that align with your values and medical needs. You’re not alone on this journey—we’re here to provide the care and support you deserve. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about the procedure and if it is right for your baby, or, for you!