Expert Insights

More Bang For Your Buck: Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Medications

September 14, 2021  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical term that describes the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection. This condition is one of the most common sexual problems for men and the chances of developing ED increase with age. It is estimated that between 15 to 30 million American men suffer from ED. According to a […]

How to Get Pregnant After Vasectomy

September 12, 2021  |  Vasectomy  

Women Are Asking: How to Get Pregnant After a Vasectomy Naturally? Couples typically come to the conclusion that it’s “time” for a vasectomy when they’ve agreed they no longer wish to conceive. But what happens if you change your mind afterwards and conceiving naturally is preferred? Is a vasectomy reversible? Vasectomies are a common procedure […]

Nutrition and Bladder Cancer Prevention

September 10, 2021  |  Bladder  

Here’s the scoop: There’s not a lot of great research out there that promotes specific foods or supplements to prevent bladder cancer. It’s the same advice you’ve probably received over and over again. Eat healthy. But what does that mean exactly? -Learn to love fruits and veggies. I mean love. The more organic fruits and vegetables […]

Bladder Cancer: Causes, Risks, Symptoms

September 8, 2021  |  Bladder  

Bladder cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States. It affects approximately 68,000 adults in the United States each year. It begins in the cells that line the inside of the bladder called urothelial cells. It’s most commonly found in the bladder, but this same type of cancer can be found […]

HIFU vs Prostatectomy for Prostate Cancer

September 6, 2021  |  Prostate Cancer  

Prostate cancer is a significant health problem in the United States with about one in nine men diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, excluding skin cancer. It is also one of the leading causes of cancer death among men. About six in ten cases are […]

Treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) with PRP

September 4, 2021  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

More and more treatment options for erectile dysfunction (ED) are reaching the final stages of research. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is one of them. PRP has been used in the medical community for decades. Researchers discovered that the concentration of platelets in PRP stimulates cell development and regeneration in various types of tissues. PRP is […]

Risk Factors for Developing Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

September 2, 2021  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) greatly affects the quality of life in men. ED rates have increased during the last 20-30 years, especially among younger men. It is one of the top reasons why men seek medical care from their urologist. According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one out of every four erectile […]

Are You Ready for a Vasectomy?

August 29, 2021  |  Vasectomy  

Vasectomies are a common procedure and an easy, practical contraceptive method with a 0.15% failure rate. A vasectomy is performed in the office as a 15-minute procedure with very little need to prep, minimal recovery time and very few risks. It is considered a permanent form of contraception, although reversal and other fertility options are […]

Why Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED) More Prevalent?

August 27, 2021  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) rates have increased during the last twenty to thirty years, especially among younger men. Although ED is not as common across younger men, it can affect around 25% of men under the age of 40. However, only about 5% of all men under 40 have complete ED. It begs the question: Why […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Treating Erectile Dysfunction (ED) with Pharmaceuticals

August 25, 2021  |  Erectile Dysfunction  

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is one of the most common reasons why men seek a urologist. It affects over 30 million men in the United States. According to a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, one out of every four erectile dysfunction patients is under 40 years old. ED rates have increased during the last […]

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