A PSA on PSA Levels

November 8, 2023

What’s the Quickest Way to Lower PSA Levels?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate gland and is a crucial component of men’s health assessments. Elevated PSA levels can be indicative of various prostate conditions, including prostate cancer. As a urology practice, we understand the importance of maintaining healthy PSA levels. In this blog, we will explore both the quickest ways to lower PSA levels when necessary.

Before we dive into how to manage PSA levels, let’s understand what is considered a normal PSA range. In general, PSA levels below 4 are mostly considered normal. However, the interpretation can vary depending on a man’s age, race, and medical history.

Higher PSA levels can be a sign of 3 common prostate issues.

  • Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate.
  • Prostate Cancer: Malignant growth of the prostate gland.

Ways to Lower PSA Levels

  • Diet: Incorporate a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and antioxidants. Limit red meat and dairy consumption.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce inflammation and help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress may lead to inflammation, so practicing stress-reduction techniques like yoga or meditation can be beneficial.


If an enlarged prostate (BPH) is causing elevated PSA levels, your urologist may prescribe medications to manage symptoms and lower PSA.

  • Alpha-Blockers: These medications relax prostate and bladder muscles, relieving urinary symptoms.  The most common are tamsulosin and alfuzosin.
  • 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors: These drugs (most common is finasteride) can help shrink the prostate gland, reducing PSA levels.  Although we do not commonly use these due to the long-term side effects.
  • Treatment for Prostatitis: If prostatitis is the cause of elevated PSA, antibiotics are typically prescribed to clear the infection and lower PSA levels.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Avoid alcohol and tobacco, as they can contribute to inflammation and higher PSA levels.  Avoid sex and masturbation 48 hour before your lab test.  Avoid bikes and riding lawnmowers at least 48 hours before your lab test.

A Last Look at PSA Levels

Just because your PSA levels are elevated, does not mean you are going to have prostate cancer.  We believe that monitoring PSA levels is crucial for men’s health (especially after you turn 50), as they serve as a valuable indicator of prostate health. It is essential to work closely with a urologist who can provide personalized guidance and treatment options tailored to your specific needs. Remember that lifestyle choices, dietary habits, and medical interventions can play a significant role in managing PSA levels, and regular check-ups are key to ensuring your prostate health remains in check. If you have concerns about your PSA levels, reach out to one of Austin’s best urologists and set up a consultation!