What Is It Like Seeing a Nutritionist at Austin Urology Institute?

February 25, 2021

The science is clear. Those who eat a balanced and healthy diet have lower chances of obesity and certain comorbidities like heart disease, type II diabetes, and cancers. Different medical conditions also call for the addition or avoidance of certain foods within specific diets.

When it comes to a wide variety of urological issues such as fertility improvement, diabetes management, elevated cholesterol, vascular disease, prostate cancer, low testosterone or erectile dysfunction (ED), hormone balance, kidney stone prevention, or overactive bladder, your urologist may suggest a consultation with our Austin nutritionist to create a plan best suited to your needs.

What happens next? At the Austin Urology Institute, this is what we do:

Before your consultation, our Director of Nutrition will look over all of your lab work, physician notes, and any additional information sent from a primary care physician to get a complete understanding of your health from a medical stand point.

When you have your consultation, the conversation starts with you.

  • What are your health goals? What do you want to accomplish?
  • What does your current diet and lifestyle look like in a typical day?
  • Are you fatigued, or not able to hit your peak during the day?
  • What makes you feel healthy or unhealthy?
  • Do you get enough sleep; enough water; enough movement?

From that point, your nutritionist will have a clear understanding of what needs to be done next. She will answer any questions you have and explain how we move forward with  nutritional guidance at Austin Urology Institute. Then, your nutritionist will create your plan. You have plenty of time to ask additional questions and get started slowly. Your Nutrition Plan will break down appropriate macronutrients (your ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) at correct calorie ranges specific to you. You will be given a number of servings for each category, as well as lists of what an appropriate serving in each category is. From here, creating an eating plan, with the help of provided ‘sample days’ will be a breeze.

But the care doesn’t stop there. You will also schedule follow up calls with your nutritional provider. On these calls, you have to opportunity to ask questions, discuss changes, address goals, and receive any updates to the plan.

If you feel that you could use more help in the area of nutrition, speak with your provider at the Austin Urology Institute about setting a consultation.