What’s A Good Natural Hormone Replacement?

January 10, 2023

Hormone replacement therapy is becoming increasingly popular, which can be (partially) chalked up to an extremely stressed-out society. Being stressed can wreak havoc on your hormonal wellbeing. It can also leave you with less time for proper nutrition and exercise, further harming your hormonal health. There are more and more options for hormone replacement therapy than ever before, but there are also natural, everyday lifestyle changes you can make to support hormonal balance by lowering your stress levels.

Before we discuss some of those changes, it might help to understand the signs or symptoms of low testosterone. There are typically a few symptoms that signify your hormones are out of balance and that you’re suffering from low testosterone. Low libido, fatigue, and decreased focus or concentration are common indicators that your testosterone is low. Erectile dysfunction, depressed mood and decreased strength or endurance are other signs that you might have low testosterone.

Addressing low testosterone can begin with simple lifestyle changes that are proven to help combat stress and achieve balance. Here are a few habits to incorporate:

  • Exercise: One 2015 study that looked at men with obesity found that increased physical activity was more beneficial for testosterone levels than calorie restriction. Resistance training like weightlifting has been linked to boosted testosterone levels. 
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Eating a diet that’s balanced in fats, protein and carbs can optimize hormone levels and benefit your overall health.
  • Get Outside: Being active, especially outside in the sun (safely, of course) can help maintain healthy levels of vitamin D. Aim to get regular exposure to sunlight or take vitamin D3 supplements as directed by a healthcare provider. 
  • Look into Supplements: Studies have shown that supplementing with zinc is linked to increased testosterone and improved sexual function in postmenopausal women with low levels of zinc. Make sure to discuss any supplements with a healthcare provider first, especially if you have underlying health conditions or take another health medication.
  • Sleep: A lack of sleep can also have ramifications on your hormones, so it’s critical to try and get eight hours of sleep every night.  
  • Incorporate “Self Care”: It bears repeating, stress and high cortisol can be incredibly damaging to your hormone balance. It can lead to increased appetite, weight gain and the storage of harmful body fat around your organs. All of these factors negatively impact testosterone levels. Carve out time to relax and recharge, whether that’s watching your favorite movie or mediating. 

If you’re still struggling to find hormonal balance after making these lifestyle changes, then it’s a sign to reach out to your doctor to discuss additional options. Our Austin urologist offers a few treatments for low testosterone ranging from testosterone injections, topical gels and creams, and Clomid for low testosterone. Clomid is an oral medication that is typically used to treat male and female infertility, but can also help with low testosterone by increasing sperm production and testosterone levels. 

Still have questions? We’re here and ready to help as best we can. Contact us at Austin Urology by calling: 512-694-8888