Expert Insights

Vasectomy vs Tubal Ligation

October 1, 2014  |  Vasectomy  

When your family reaches the perfect size and you’re considering long-term birth control solutions, you want one that’s easy, spontaneous and, most importantly, effective. Two of the more popular options are vasectomy for men and tubal ligation for women. The procedures are often seen as equivalent, but the male vasectomy is a simpler, less expensive, […]

Protect Yourself with Health Screenings

September 11, 2014  |  Men's Health  

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is doing a wonderful job of raising awareness about the need for regular prostate cancer screenings, but it’s important to maintain year-round vigilance for all of the different health risks posed by age. This chart provides a holistic look at all of the things men need to look out for at […]

When do kidney stones pass?

August 18, 2014  |  Kidney Cancer  Kidney Stones  

  Kidney stones pass once they are out of the kidney, traveling down the ureter to the bladder. Stones that are <5mm can usually pass on their own. Some patients may choose conservative treatment and observe their stones, rather than go through a surgical procedure. This usually includes stones that are less than 6mm, not […]

Prostate Exam FAQs

August 14, 2014  |  Prostate Cancer  

Do prostate exams hurt? The prostate is located deep in the pelvis in between the bladder and rectum. In order to access the prostate for an exam, a finger is inserted into the rectum. This is referred to as a “digital rectal exam,” and allows for evaluation of size and masses of tumors. Also, the […]

8 Signs You Are At Risk for Kidney Stones

August 14, 2014  |  Kidney Stones  

Kidney stones have a higher chance of developing based on poor diet, certain medications and genetics. What are some common indicators? 1. Low water intake or decreased hydration 2. High caffeine intake such as coffee, soda, tea, energy drinks (>2-3 beverages per day) 3. Obesity 5. Poor diet 4. Family history 5. High intake of […]

When do kidney stones require surgery?

August 12, 2014  |  Kidney Stones  

Surgery on kidney stones should be reserved as an option for cases where observation has failed. Surgery may be needed if a stone: – does not pass after a reasonable period of time (usually about 1-2 weeks) – Causes constant and intractable pain – Causes persistent nausea and vomiting – Is too large to pass […]

Can Varicoceles contribute to Low Testosterone?

August 11, 2014  |  Men's Health  

At the Austin Urology Institute, we have treated varicoceles, or abnormal dilated veins around the testicle, for several reasons.  These include a large varicocele that causes progressive pain as the day goes on, as well as a large varicocele causing infertility, or high numbers of abnormal sperm.  However, recently, there has been some interest in […]

Best kidney cancer treatment options in Austin

August 10, 2014  |  Kidney Cancer  

Depending upon the stage of cancer, kidney cancer is very treatable. Options for treatment vary depending upon the stage and size of the tumors. In Austin and surrounding areas such as Georgetown, Round Rock, Pflugerville, Bastrop and San Marcos the Austin Urology Institute is nearby. At the Austin Urology Institute Dr.Shaw has the experience to […]

What is testosterone?

August 8, 2014  |  Low Testosterone  

Testosterone is a steroid hormone. Mostly the testicles produce testosterone, and a small amount is produced by the adrenal glands. The testicles receive a signal from hormones in the pituitary gland (in your brain) that tell them to either start or stop testosterone production. Testosterone is used in the medical world to regulate many functions […]

How does prostate cancer spread?

August 6, 2014  |  Prostate Cancer  

Prostate cancer spreads (metastasizes) when the cancer cells have migrated away from the prostate. It can spread through the lymph nodes and/or bloodstream. Metastasis of prostate cancer typically occurs in the bone, brain, lungs, and liver. When does it spread to the bones? Prostate cancer will spread to the bones only when it is not […]

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