Expert Insights

You Can’t Blame It All on Low-T: Unknown Factors of Low Libido

April 10, 2019  |  Men's Health  The/Age  

Diet, Sleep, and Lifestyle Affect Your Libido Homo sapiens were probably not designed to hunch over blue-lit screens, peck incessantly at keyboards, and munch on derivatives of GMO corn while getting by on four or five hours of sleep per night. Back in the day, our primate ancestors were not concerned with getting to work […]

5 Small Ways to Live Large In Your 30’s

April 4, 2019  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  The/Age  

An Important Milestone Are you at the awkward age, of say, your late 30’s (give or take)? This particular juncture might feel a bit like being on the cusp of something. You might find yourself reflecting and planning with equal intensity. To quote a passage of ancient wisdom from the I Ching: “Look at the […]

Low T-Centers Are as Real as They Are Dangerous

April 1, 2019  |  Low Testosterone  Men's Health  The/Age  

Informercial Testosterone Testing? Have you ever wondered where the people behind infomercials sell their products? Or what their store would look like if they had one? Most likely, they wouldn’t look too classy. While infomercials might be great to get non-stick saucepans and shake weights, they should be the last place people look to get […]

How to Get Your Wife to Throw You a Party

March 26, 2019  |  The/Age  Uncategorized  Vasectomy  

Vasectomy Parties This may come as a bit of a surprise, but birthdays and college campus’ aren’t the only times and places for perhaps questionably-themed parties. The depths of the Internet will reveal that much, but it doesn’t take too much searching to stumble across one of the hottest and most hilarious trends staking their […]

Half of All Men Ages 50+ Have This – Are You One?

March 21, 2019  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  

Slow Streaming Speed? An Uplifting Solution for Your Enlarged Prostate Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, (BPH), is the medical term for enlarged prostate. And, about half of all men over the age of 50 have it. Unless you’re a medical professional, you probably don’t remember the anatomy class you took in high school or college. So, here’s […]

The Benefits of Beer and Bourbon for BPH

March 19, 2019  |  Bladder  Enlarged Prostate  Prostate Cancer  

Fighting the Frequency Have you found yourself fighting the frequency to urinate far more often than you used to? Is that frequency even more notable at night, and when you do make it to the toilet, is difficulty urinating and a weak urine stream starting to become apparent? If you’re a man over the age […]

Tree Bark As a Contraceptive?

March 18, 2019  |  Vasectomy  

Hidden Costs of Family Planning – What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You

March 13, 2019  |  Vasectomy  

The Best Vasectomy Doc is Among the Most Affordable For Your Priceless Procedure Most men have a few reservations when it comes to having a vasectomy even if they don’t readily admit it. It’s normal to have concerns; we’d be worried if you didn’t. If you’re stepping up as the responsible party in your relationship(s) […]

Are Robots Replacing Doctors? Da Vinci Robotics

March 7, 2019  |  Bladder  Kidney Cancer  Prostate Cancer  Robotic Surgery  

Growing Out of Modernity There has been an impressive number of medical advancements over the years, from 3D-printed organs to bionic eyes to full facial transplants. Included in that category is a classification of surgery that was named after one of the most pioneering men of our time: Leonardo da Vinci. A widely comprehensive technology […]

Skipping Rocks – Kidney Stones Causes, Types and Prevention

February 18, 2019  |  Kidney Health  Kidney Stones  

Types of Kidney Stones There are a few things all Kidney stones have in common: for one, all are caused by high levels of minerals and salts in the urine. But they also come in many different forms – from “silent” and symptomless to extremely painful, from small to large, from common to rare. Here […]

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